
You have no birthday, You have always been
You alone have no beginning
And no middle and no end
You’re always with me, You are everywhere
In New Jersey or in Egypt
Even outer space–You’re there
Everything You are and do
Is unbelievable but true

You’re the God of Wow!
Amazing! How could this be?
You’re the God of Whoa!
You’re more than I could ever, ever dream
The more I learn about You
Exclamation points abound
To the God of Wow!

You’re never needy, how could You be?
You made everything on Earth
And in the sky and in the sea
You’re never lonely, the Trinity!
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Yet You’re reaching out to me
Inviting me to come to You
Inconceivable, but true!

I can’t find the words that could be
Big enough, loud enough
There could be no song that I could
Sing enough or shout enough
When I want to praise Your name
But don’t know how I just say
Wow! Amazing! How could this be?
And I say Whoa! You’re more
Than I could ever, ever dream

Designer of the dinosaurs
Mapper of the ocean floor
Of all the wows below, above
The best of all is Your great love
You’re the God of Wow!

Music and words by Dave Fournier and George Romanacce. © 2015 Sovereign Grace Worship/ASCAP (adm. by Integrity Music). Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. All rights reserved.



Scripture References:

Psalms 90:2, Psalms 145:3, Psalms 147:5, Jeremiah 23:24, Hebrews 11:3b, Revelation 1:8


