
Verse 1
The Light of Life descended to the world He made
The ageless Rock of Ages in a manger laid
Behold the Word that bore our flesh
The heart of God inside an infant’s chest

Verse 2
The Infinite incarnate in a virgin’s hands
The radiance of the Father in the Son of Man
Behold the peace that pierced the night
The hope of nations in a baby’s cry

Emmanuel, glory in the highest
Emmanuel, heaven here beside us
God Himself, with us now to dwell

Verse 3
The sinless King of heaven crowned with guilt and shame
The Cornerstone was fastened to a wooden frame
Behold the Lamb that crushed our curse
And died to pay the price of our rebirth

Light in darkness, might for meekness
All the glory be to Jesus
Love has sought us, grace has reached us
All the glory be to Jesus

Music and words by Nathan Stiff © 2020 Sovereign Grace Worship/ASCAP (adm. worldwide by Integrity Music). Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. All rights reserved.



Scripture References:

Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 53:4-6, John 1:9-10, John 1:14, Galatians 3:13, Hebrews 1:3

