
12 Reasons to Come to WorshipGod24: One with Christ

Register now Two years ago we hosted our last WorshipGod conference in Louisville, KY, Unchanging. We reflected on the goodness of the God “with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change (James 1:17, ESV).” But we’re more than ready for our next WorshipGod conference, coming July 24-27 to Louisville, KY. This year’s theme is One with Christ: How Our Union with Christ Changes Everything. Years ago, I came across this quote in

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Live Streaming Permissions Update

Since March of 2020, COVID-related gathering restrictions have led many churches to provide online musical resources to serve their congregations. When it was difficult or impossible to use real musicians, they wanted to use recordings produced by others. We were more than happy to give permission to churches to use our recordings in their live streams for free. However, our gratis permission was never really recognized by streaming platforms, which sometimes made it difficult to

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All of Our Tomorrows

The foundation for our hope lies in one place: the promises of God revealed fully to us in the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If God would give his only Son to pay for our sins, how will he not also give us every good thing? (Rom. 8:32) Even when those “good things” don’t look like what we expected, we can be confident they come from a wise, sovereign, and loving Father. Thousands

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COVID-19 Live Stream Permissions Update

We’re nearly a year into a world of COVID and live streaming and we’ve seen churches around the world creatively and effectively serve their churches in singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God regardless of circumstance! As you continue to do so, we’ve learned a few things that we hope will help you. If you use a copyrighted recording of a song during your live stream, it’s still

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O Come, All You Unfaithful

O Come, All You Unfaithful This past January, a group of about 15 songwriters gathered in Louisville for the annual Sovereign Grace Music retreat. The focus this year was a new Christmas album.  Lisa Clow, one of the songwriters and also a vocalist for Sovereign Grace, came with a song in process called, “O Come, All You Unfaithful.” She wanted to encourage people who feel too weary, condemned, or burdened to enjoy Christmas. When Bob

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Feel Free to Live Stream Our Songs

When the COVID-19 crisis caused governments to mandate that churches not gather, we wanted to make it easy for people to live stream our music online to encourage their members. While the current situation doesn’t allow for the saints gathering as we’re told to do in Scripture (Heb. 10:25), we’re grateful that Christ-exalting communication over the Internet can be a means of grace that makes us long to be able to meet together again (Ps.

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