Together for the Gospel Live III

Release Date: October 21, 2016

The Together for the Gospel conference, held every other year since 2006 in Louisville, KY, emerged from a friendship between four pastors of diverse denominational backgrounds. Their secondary theological differences, while important, didn’t keep them from celebrating their shared passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Similar to the first two T4G Live albums, Together for the Gospel Live III sets that passion to song. It contains a variety of hymns–old and new, familiar and unfamiliar–with theologically driven lyrics and timeless melodies.

Hymns remain unique in their ability to provide doctrinal fuel for our emotional fire. They help us “feel the truth,” and can enable congregations of multiple generations to express their unity in the gospel.

While Psalm 150 cites a number of instruments used to praise God, we went with just one piano for this recording. The centerpiece: 10,000 voices lifting up praises to the only God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We hope you enjoy listening to these songs as much as we did singing them. More importantly, we’d like it best if you joined your heart and voice with ours to praise our glorious and gracious God.

Note: Because this is a live album recording, accompaniment tracks are unavailable for this album.