Unpacking the Excuses Musicians Give
Musicians are sometimes stereotyped as scattered, overly sensitive, lazy, emotionally driven, and more. Unfortunately, those stereotypes often have their roots in reality! Worse, we musicians can tend to use morally neutral words to justify our behavior, thinking that it just goes along with being an artist. In this episode, Bob and David pull the curtain […]
Help! My Church’s Song Diet Needs to Change!
Through the years we’ve had quite a few people ask how you go about getting your church to sing songs that are more biblically faithful and theologically rich. Of course, a lot depends on what kind of role you play in your congregation. In this episode of Sound Plus Doctrine we explore some of the […]
What’s the Connection Between Worship and Mission?
We tend to associate worship with our church singing together on Sunday mornings. But what if we viewed it from a bigger, more biblical perspective as seeking to live our lives in a way that drew attention to the worth, authority, and beauty of God’s glory in Christ? How might that affect the way we […]
Keeping Sane in an Insane World | Josh Blount | WG24
The culture we live in is very much like the one the prophet Isaiah lived in when he made this observation: “For truth has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter. Truth is lacking, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.” (Isaiah 59:14–15, ESV) How do we make a positive […]
Cultivating a Heart for Your Church | Jared Mellinger | WG24
Leaders glorify God when they see their own responsibilities as a means of actively caring for, serving, and building up others. This session will give you theological foundations and practical applications for becoming that kind of leader.
Bringing Light to Our Blindspots | Bob Kauflin | WG24
Most leaders know what’s expected of them and what makes for a good leader. But often a serious distance exists between what we know and what we’re actually doing. That disconnect can lead to significant problems not only for the leader but others. In this breakout, Bob Kauflin, speaking from 40 years of experience as […]
20 Ways to Improve Your Congregational Singing
Matt Merker’s passion for churches singing with faith and understanding led him to write the excellent book, Corporate Worship: How the Church Gathers as God’s People. In this breakout, he’ll share twenty ways to stregnthen the singing of your church, including some you probably haven’t thought of!
Playing Big Songs with a Small Band
How often have you set out to teach a song to your church, only to realize that the recording used a full band and you only have a guitar or a piano? In this practical breakout, you’ll learn principles for making the most of your instrumentation and how to adapt any song for your musicians.
Arranging to Serve a Congregation
In this breakout, Ben Shive will draw from decades of experience in recording and the church to talk about what should matter most to instrumentalists that are seeking to serve their congregations well.
Three Marks of a Spirit-Empowered People
In Philippians 3:3, the apostle Paul says that we are those who “worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh.” In this brekaout, Jared Mellinger will discuss how to pray for and expect God’s Spirit to be actively working in our gatherings, without becoming dominated […]
Minding the Gaps: Making the Most of Transitions
Too often our Sunday gatherings feel like a playlist on shuffle. Elements are unconnected, changes are abrupt, and people are left confused. To address the situation, we often resort to a “musical glue” that makes things feel more connected but does little to help people understand any kind of progression. In this practical breakout, Bob […]
Technology and Your Sunday Gathering
From the printing press to the iPhone, from organs to IMAG, churches in every generation have had to wisely assess what role the latest technology might play in serving their congregations. How do we avoid the two extremes of “anything goes” and “the old is good enough?” What questions should guide us in determining what […]
Worshiping a Big God in a Small Church
It can be discouraging to come to a conference where everyone seems to assume your church has a large staff, several music teams, and an unlimited budget. For most of us, that situation is far from reality. In this seminar, you’ll learn how to make the most of limited resources, how to maintain a strong […]
Passing the Baton: Cultivating a Passion for Christ in the Next Generation
Listen in as five leaders in three seasons of parenting discuss what they’ve learned about instilling a passion for Christ in their children, both in the church and at home. There will be time for Q&A at the end.
Christ and the Enemies Within: Dealing with Pride, Discouragement, Depression, and Lust
Leaders and musicians can struggle with a disconnect between the content of the songs they sing and the inward battles they fight, and often lose, every day. In this transparent and hope-filled seminar, you’ll be helped to see how Jesus really is the Savior he promised he would be.
Beyond Preaching: Embracing Your Responsibility for the Whole Meeting
Faithful preaching pastors rightly give significant time and attention to their sermon preparation. But too often, they minimize what happens in the rest of the meeting, forgetting that every part of our services is an opportunity to shepherd God’s people through Scripture and the gospel. In this seminar, you’ll hear from a pastor who is […]
A Cross and Cultural Conversation
What happens when two very different musical cultures (white and African-American) gather around the gospel? How do we learn from and serve one another? What are the potential pitfalls and opportunities? Listen in on this conversation between four friends who are learning the answers to those questions while recording an album together.