Thinking Surgically While Leading Liturgically

Trying to lead worship in a liturgical church can feel like trying to paint in a straightjacket. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this seminar we’ll explore ways worship leaders can work within the confines of a more formal liturgy, using music as a tool to help their congregations experience vibrant, Christ-centered […]

The Task of a Worship Leader

Because the New Testament doesn’t mention the role of the worship leader, we tend to turn to various sources for ideas on leading worship—friends, worship artists, books, and our own experiences. But unless we know we’re doing what God has called us to do, we can lose our focus, get distracted, and become discouraged. This […]

The Leader’s Relationships

Leaders can be tempted to think that their job would be easier and more fruitful if they didn’t have to deal with people, but relationships are one of the primary ways we display the effects of the gospel in our lives and bring glory to God. If you lead congregational worship you’re surrounded by people […]

The Faith-Filled Leader

Every leader will eventually face challenges that call for extraordinary faith. Whether we’re fighting the world, our flesh, or the devil, we’ll be tempted to give in to doubt, anxiety, discouragement, and even despair. But God equips those whom he calls. Whether you’re a pastor, leader, parent, or discipling Christian, this seminar will help you […]

The Challenges of Bi-Vocational Ministry

In an age of doing more with less, many churches don’t have the resources to devote a full-time staff position to each ministry of the church. More and more ministry leaders are juggling the demands of ministry with a secular job. This session will discuss the challenges this presents from a Biblical perspective, led by […]

The Benefits and Limits of Creativity

We owe a great debt to Christians through the years who have pushed the boundaries of what kind of creativity is beneficial when it comes to music in the church. But sometimes creativity can exceed biblical bounds, turning something helpful into something harmful. In this seminar, Bob will describe ways to think about creativity that will […]

Running an Effective and Peaceful Sunday Morning Rehearsal

Too many worship teams start the meeting feeling anxious, harried, and unprepared. Those feelings can be amplified if you meet in a rented facility and have to set up from scratch every Sunday morning. Dave and Ken, both from Covenant Life Church, will share principles for maximizing the time you spend rehearsing on Sunday morning. […]

Putting Songs Together

Why do you choose the songs you do? What factors go into deciding whether one song is better to use than another? What’s the difference between lyrical flow and musical flow? How can we use songs to effectively care for people’s souls as they sing them? These questions and more will be addressed in this […]

Leading Children to Worship Christ

How is leading a children’s worship gathering different from leading an adult gathering?  Should children be led to memorize, recite, or sing Bible passages that give personal assurance?  Should children be expected to participate in worship if they are not yet converted?  Jared Kennedy, who serves at Sojourn Community Church, will share thoughts on how […]

Remaining Steadfast in Changing Seasons (Women’s breakout)

A woman’s world is constantly changing. How do we maintain steadfast trust in God through so many different seasons of relationships and responsibilities? In this seminar, Julie Kauflin will share from her own experiences how God has helped her remain secure in Him as a vocalist, sound engineer, wife of a worship leader, mother, and […]

Is She Better than Me? (Women’s breakout)

One of the greatest temptations we can face as women is comparing ourselves to others. No matter how gifted, beautiful, or fruitful we may be we can struggle to think that “the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.”  Come and learn how the gospel speaks to our insecurities and fears and enables […]

Caring for Your Sound System

What should churches consider when faced with growth or a broken piece of equipment? How do you pursue quality without breaking the bank on audio equipment? If some extra money is found in the budget, what should you spend it on? How do you encourage musicians and other sound team members to care for equipment? […]

Building and Caring for a Tech Team (Part 2)

Peaceful and joyful service on the tech team comes when the right people are serving in the right place with the right training and the right information. In this seminar Dave will discuss ideas and practices to most effectively recruit, train, and deploy people on your team.

What the Psalms Teach Us About Songwriting

The Psalms are a wealth of resources when it comes to learning to write honest, faith-filled songs that glorify God and serve his people. Mark, Steve, and Vikki, three veteran song writers, will share how the Psalms have inspired them in their own songwriting and communicate principles that will help you in your own craft.

What Makes these Songs Great?

Ever wonder why more people aren’t singing the songs you write? Maybe your songs are missing some of the key elements that most great songs have. Steve & Vikki Cook will take an in-depth look at a number of well-known worship songs and talk about what makes them so great.

Retuning Hymns

Kevin Twit has been involved for over ten years with Indelible Grace, a group of musicians that have sought to revive theological depth in the church’s songs by setting old hymns to new music. In this workshop he will cover where to find texts, how to evaluate texts, and how to go about setting them […]

Overcoming Songwriter’s Block

As songwriters we’ve all had our times of writer’s block, when it seems like the heavens have closed and the creativity has all dried up.   What can be done?  Well…plenty!  Join Steve and Vikki Cook as they share a number of insights  and exercises  that are sure to help you break through writer’s block.  

Editing Your Song

The hardest part of writing your song may be when you think it’s finally done. In this workshop Steve and Vikki Cook (Before the Throne of God Above, I Will Glory in My Redeemer, Mighty Fortress) will discuss different ways you can turn a good song into a great one. Topics will include developing different […]

Electric Guitar: Introduction to Loops, Multitracks and Tech: How and Why?

Using loops, multitracks, and programs like Ableton Live can help keep your musicians together, fill out your sound and even offer creative opportunities for arranging and writing. But used too much or in the wrong way they can be unhelpful. Come and learn about how you can use new technologies in your weekend services while […]

Essential Skills for Electric Guitar

The electric guitar is a powerful, versatile tool and yet many guitarists struggle to break beyond box positions and a collection of favorite chord voicings. This session is designed to provide you with practical resources for creativity and greater expression across the entire length of the fretboard. We’ll explore a wide range of topics that […]

Electric Guitar: Maximizing Your Contribution

The electric guitar can play so many roles as we’re leading and serving on our teams from week to week. From rhythm and lines to textures and ambient playing, come and equip yourself to maximize what you can offer as we dive into a variety of concepts and techniques.