Beyond Preaching: Embracing Your Responsibility for the Whole Meeting

Faithful preaching pastors rightly give significant time and attention to their sermon preparation. But too often, they minimize what happens in the rest of the meeting, forgetting that every part of our services is an opportunity to shepherd God’s people through Scripture and the gospel. In this seminar, you’ll hear from a pastor who is […]

Acoustic Guitar 2: Going Deeper

If you find yourself frustrated as an acoustic guitarist, come for a discussion around how get some serious tools for creativity. Learn the CAGED system and how to apply that to using a capo without shame. Come away with a refreshing approach to chords and practicing, and gain a new set of tools to use […]

A Cross and Cultural Conversation

What happens when two very different musical cultures (white and African-American) gather around the gospel? How do we learn from and serve one another? What are the potential pitfalls and opportunities? Listen in on this conversation between four friends who are learning the answers to those questions while recording an album together.