
Based on Matthew 18:21–35 and Luke 7:41–50

A king once had a servant
Who owed him a huge debt
But the king forgave the servant
Sent him home, and yet
When a friend who owed the servant
A debt that was so small
He begged the servant for mercy
But he got none at all
The king heard all about it
And was he ever mad!
He sent the servant to prison
And took away all he had
Said he had to stay there
Till he could pay it all back
‘Cause the servant was forgiven
But forgiveness was what he lacked

Our debt was satisfied
On the cross when Jesus died
And if we’ve been forgiven
It’s gotta change the way we’re livin’
How can we hold a grudge
How can we fail to love
Once we have known what mercy is?
Lord, help us forgive

Now, Peter came to Jesus
Because he was so confused
“If my brother keeps on sinning
Against me what should I do?
I’m trying to be patient
I’m trying to be kind
Do I have to forgive him
The same thing seven times?”
Our sins were countless
Like the sand on the shore
We should be grateful that the Lord
He’s not keeping a score
No—His love erased them
They washed away when
He hung and died on the cross
And paid the payment

It can be hard to forgive
There’s no pretending
But we’ve been changed by a grace
That’s never ending

Music by Jon Althoff, words by Jon Althoff and Bob Kauflin. © 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise/BMI, Sovereign Grace Worship/ASCAP (adm. by Integrity Music). Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. All rights reserved.



Scripture References:

Matthew 18:21-35, Luke 7:41-50, Luke 17:1-6, Colossians 3:12-13
