Givers Like God


Based on Luke 12:22–34

God chose to give the flowers petals
And knows to give the birds their feathers
His creatures never worry whether
They will be clothed
He fills them with the proper fillers (true!)
He knows that birds like caterpillars (ew!)
God is the first and best of givers
He always knows and so we know

God will give us everything we need
Clothes to wear, food to eat
Love to share, and air to breathe
God is full of generosity
And so we know we want to be
Givers like God, givers like God

A grateful heart will not be greedy
God gives us all we need so freely
So, when we see somebody needy
We want to share
If we’ve received the gift of heaven (yes!)
We have received the greatest blessing (blessed!)
O Spirit, help us learn this lesson:
The riches there can’t be compared

We see something and we love it
Crave it and we covet
And that’s not right
It’s so much better to consider
The joy of being givers
Like Jesus Christ

Music and Words by Dave Fournier and George Romanacce © 2017 Sovereign Grace Worship/ASCAP (adm. by Integrity Music). Sovereign Grace Music, a division of Sovereign Grace Churches. All rights reserved.



Scripture References:

Luke 12:22-34
