Valley of Vision

Release Date: August 1, 2006

Someone might ask, “Why produce an album inspired by the prayers of a bunch of dead guys?” That’s an easy one. Puritans like John Bunyan, Thomas Watson, Richard Baxter, and Isaac Watts knew their hearts, their Bibles, and their God much better than we do.

These prayers reveal a personal, humble, passionate relationship with an awesome God, a living Savior, and an active Spirit. Reading their meditations inspires us to pursue the same level of reality as we worship God.

Valley of Vision includes twelve songs that draw from these prayers at various levels and in various ways. Some use a few phrases from a specific prayer, others develop a particular idea, and a few try to capture the original flow of thought, using many of the original words.

We hope two things will happen when you listen to this album:

First, we pray that your relationship with God will deepen as the truths expressed in these songs are sown into your heart. Truths like the deception and pervasiveness of indwelling sin…the power of the gospel to secure our forgiveness and freedom…our utter dependence on God…God’s sovereignty in the midst of sufferings…and a passion for God’s purposes on the earth. We trust these songs will make you more aware of God’s holiness and more amazed at our Savior’s sacrifice for undeserving sinners.

Second, we hope you will read, many times over, the grace-drenched, Christ-exalting, biblically faithful book of prayers that inspired these songs. We pray that you won’t simply read them, but that they will become a springboard for your own prayers and meditation in your relationship with our great, merciful, and changeless God who is, ever and always, there to meet us in the Valley of Vision.